Mermaid Water Poncho
Water ponchos are 100% polyester and are made for Teeny Tiny's to children and adults. They compliment the mermaid tails. These are basically rectangles with head openings and wrist closes.
Measurements are organized as full width, length to floor & wrist to wrist.
Baby sizes
Small 39((full width)x7(length to floor) & 20"(wrist to wrist)
Medium 39 x 8 & 26" to 22" (variation is the handmade result)
LargeShort 34 x 9 & 23"
LargeLong 28 x 16 & 23"
Children sizes
Small 39 x 10 & 26.5"
Medium small 39 x 16 & 22"
Medium 39 x 15 - 16 & 28 - 31"
Medium L 40 x 17 & 31"
Large 39 x 19 & 34"
Adult at 65 x 20" no wrist ties.